Thursday, May 24, 2007

Keeping up with myself

I can't believe the life that I'm currently living!

(no particular order, kinda)
-I have a dog, his name is Barley, he is GREAT!
-I'm a drummer in a band. We play a shitload of gigs and we make pretty good money.
-I work at the Red Bird Wine Bar 2-3 nights a week and make pretty good money.
-I'm selling most of my collection of vintage music gear on ebay and making pretty good money.
-I have Netflix and I watch almost 40 movies a month.
-I have free time during the day to sleep and write blogs.
-I own a '87 Volkswagen Vanagon GL.
-I have tattoos.
-I have a couple of the best friends you could ever have.
-I've been taking some of the best pictures I ever have.
-I'm moving into my own place, just me and Barley.
-I get to travel alot.

I'm 25 and Single. I have no idea what is in store for the opposite sex if they become involved with me. I have developed a very selfish lifestyle and as much as I would like to share it, I'm not sure if a girl exsists that wants to or will participate. But for now, I'm better off without.


Lance Fisher said...

Woo-hoo! Post two! :)

Travis the Great said...

I'm getting better at this.